LMS and other Integrations
Learning Management System integration
BigBlueButton can be added to most Learning Management Systems (and many other open source products), usually by using a plugin.
If your existing LMS or collaboration software has a BigBlueButton plugin available, it should work out of the box with BigBlueButton meetings provided by BBB On Demand
This means that you can provide BigBlueButton meetings to your LMS users without any installation or management of BigBlueButton itself - just enter the API credentials provided on the BBB On Demand 'Accounts' page into the LMS software and you are up and ready.
The ability to easily add BigBlueButton to LMS systems may be of particular interest to LMS solution providers - and can provide a new revenue stream through our partnership scheme.
The website of the BigBlueButton open source project lists lists many of the integrations that will work with BBB On Demand - and if you find compatibility issues we will fix these at no cost to you.
Below, we provide more specific instructions on how to use BBB On Demand with some of the more popular Learning Management and communications systems.
BigBlueButton for Moodle LMS
Moodle is one of the most popular open source learning management systems and has an optional plugin to integrate BigBlueButton meetings.
Learn how to configure Moodle to use BigBlueButton from BBB On Demand