Partner with BBB On Demand

Partnership and reseller opportunities

BBB On Demand offers three partnership options:

  • Affiliate Referrals - where you receive a commission of 5% of the billing of any company you refer to BBB On Demand.
  • Middleman - where you provide BBB On Demand meetings to other companies using their access credentials but you receive a commission of 5% of their billing.
  • Reseller - where you provide BigBlueButton meetings to other companies using your BBB On Demand credentials. You separately bill the third party, optionally marked up.

See the Referral Scheme Agreement for the legal detail.

Affiliate Referrals

If you sign up for an account on this website and set up a payment card, you are provided with an 'affiliate ID' and an 'affiliate URL'. You can share and promote these to your own customers or via your blog or social media. If another organisation uses these when they create an account you receive commission at the rate of 5% of their billable activity (net of vat - see terms)


If you offer a SAAS service (for example hosting Moodle or an LMS) you could allow customers to store BigBlueButton credentials within your platform so that their users can create meetings at the click of a button.

One option would be to simply recommend they use BBB On Demand and provide the Affiliate link / code to your customers. Assuming they use this, you will receive commission on their billable activity.

Alternatively, since they need to give you their BBB On Demand BigBlueButton credentials for you to create meetings on their behalf, you can use these to enrol your entitlement to receive the affiliate revenue.

This is done by using an API method we expose: you just post the third party customers BigBlueButton URL (or customer ID) and secret and we use this to link your accounts. See the API Method documentation.


Using your own BBB On Demand account you can, under the terms of use, provide meetings to third party organisations and charge them a premium above the fee charged to you

When you create a meeting for a particular third party customer, you can add a customer code as a meta tag. Using the BBB On Demand API you can retrieve information about meetings and match meeting and recordings records to a particular customer. Depending on your billing model you could bill customers for the provided service at a mark up over the BBB On Demand tariff or bundle the service.